Beneficiary: Gia Đình Tình Thương Tê - Phan (Orphanage)
Location: Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
Date: March 2014
How we helped: Gia Đình Tình Thương Tê – Phan houses approximately 50 children that have been abandoned due to the fact that their parents are incapable in caring for them or because they are disabled. Mr. Hoàng Văn Bình resides and takes care of all these children under his compassionate roof. Without any government funding, the children living here all depend on local help, whether helpers come over to clean up or help cook a meal for the children, or leftover food from the market is donated. When foreign visitors visit, they benefit from charitable donations. Mrs. Nguyen Tu Lan and the Nguyen Family have been helping for the past few years as Mrs. Nguyen’s older sister lives just a few blocks away from Gia Đình Tình Thương Tê – Phan. On her recent trip to Saigon, Vietnam in March 2014, Mrs. Nguyen Tu Lan has multiple times visited the children with new clothes, food, and necessities, directing 100% of all funds collected by Generously Giving Back to the children of Gia Đình Tình Thương Tê – Phan.